Comments on Allen's Work:

"Allen, I want to thank you for being a guest speaker last week in my Special Topics course,"Sociology of Cults"...The students were excited about your visit to our class and were clearly struck not only by your intimate involvement in issues related to our course topics, but also by your in depth knowledge.... Your style of presentation was informative, down to earth, clear, energetic and interactive... You were a terrific inspiration to the students, many of whom commented at the next class session how much they learned from you and how you sparked their interest in this field. I look forward to inviting you to speak to future classes."

Janja Lalich, PH.D
Professor of Sociology
California State University,Chico

"I know him from his reputation in our program and he was a guest lecturer for my social psychology course on several occasions. Allen is an expert on the social psychology of cults and totalitarian belief systems. He is one of the finest lecturers I have ever listened to."

Paul E. Thetford, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Texas Woman's University

"We Have had more enthusiastic feedback from your presentation than any of our other round tables."

Carol Madison
Program Specialist, Mental Health Association
Dallas, Texas

"Please accept our thanks and appreciation for the Grand Rounds presentation you gave on June, 24, 2003. Those Psychiatrists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Nurses, and other professionals in attendance gave you mostly "excellent" in their evaluation of your presentation.

I was approached by most of the attendees who wanted me to invite you back for our next Grand Rounds in the fall. I was very pleased that you have agreed to give Part Two of your presentation. I will get in touch with you in the next month with the exact date.

Again let me thank you. You have a very good style in your teaching. You kept everyone's interest and you could tell from the many questions and comments from the audience that you stimulated people's thinking."

James J. Park, Ph.D.
Butte County Department of Behavioral Health
Chico, CA

"Thanks for asking about Allen I was captivated by him and appreciated his authenticity. He was real, a courageous feat for a speaker, I think, and essential for a therapist."

Dona Templeman,Grad Student
Carpinteria, Ca

"I want to thank you again for your excellent presentation on cult behavior... You are an excellent speaker and your message is very important."

Rick Spletter, Co-chair
Dallas Alcohol and Drug Association

"How pleased we were with 'The Cult Phenomenon: A Psychological Perspective". The evaluations have been the best we've received in a long time...thank you very much"

Helen G. Green, R.N., M.S,
Director Continuing Education
Timberlawn Psychiatric Hospital
Dallas, Texas

"Allen on behalf of the Masters in Counseling Program, I want to thank you for your two excellent presentations to the students on cult psychology in the course the Psychology of Hate. You stirred things up. Glen and Aaron had good responses during their follow up sessions. It speaks well of you and your work, your charm and authenticity."

Dennis Patrick Slattery Ph.D. Core Faculty,
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Carpinteria, Ca.

"Last tuesday evening Allen Tate Wood was the guest speaker at my world religion class. His topic dealt with 'cults", a subject of great interest these days given the recent Heaven's Gate tragedy. His presentation was outstanding. The students and I really appreciated the quality of his talk. He is a dynamic speaker who engages his audience with his passion and personal knowledge."

Alex Pappas, Instructor of Comparative Religion
Alameda College
Alameda, Ca.

"Delighted to find your web page Allen. Such education sites serve a valuable purpose. My wife left a new age cult some years back after a successful exit counseling and we've tried to 'do our bit', particularly in Australia, since that time. We wrote a book about our experiences and the feedback, particularly from distressed families, has been excellent. Your site is another important resource in spreading the word that coercive persuasion, hidden agendas, unauthorized use of altered states of consciousness, exploitation and excessive control are not to be tolerated. People joining groups are entitled to full information, should be allowed to doubt and be free to leave unhindered and undamaged. Congratulations on being an important part of the education scene in this area."

Rick Larsen
