Photographs of Life in the Unification Church
Washington D.C. & Maryland
1971 --- 1973
photos by John Sherman
National training Staff including (from right to left) David Flores, Ronnie Matway, Allen Tate Wood,
Phillip Burley(former President of the Unification Church in America), Vivien Burley
Singing to Mr. Moon in December 1971 at National Headquarters in
Washington D.C.
From right to left Allen Wood, Glenda Moody and John Rhodes
College Park Center March 1972
From right to left Robert Boucher, Allen Wood and W. Farley Jones ( President of the Unification Church
in America) April 1972 at the College Parl center
From Left Miss Young Oon Kim, Allen Wood, Richard Eslinger
(campus minister at the University of Maryland), Mrs Eslinger.
Upper Marlboro center September 1972
Group Singing Uppermarlboro August 1973
Allen Wood(One World Crusade Commander and Workshop Director) lecturing on the
"Divine Principle" at the U.C. Workshop center in
UpperMarlboro Md May 1973
Tetsaki Izukawa( International One World Crusade Commander) and
Allen Wood( One World Crusade Commander for Maryland)
singing before a banquet to welcome the IOWC
to Maryand for the "Day of Hope"
September 1973