First and foremost, this site offers help to those facing cult related problems.
These pages document one man's journey through the abyss of religious fascism. It is dedicated to my mother and father who remembered me so well that, through them, I have been reborn. It is also dedicated to the thousands of young men and women whose uniformed idealism and hunger for righteousness have been turned against them by cynical cult leaders. These parasites wantonly manipulate the openness, generosity and essential belief in goodness of their young followers. It is my hope that this web site may in some way interfere with the emotional and psychological slaughter which is the coin of the realm on the road to Xanadu.
This page includes documentation and research, essays and articles, resource links and book reviews pertaining to the cult phenomenon and to recovery from addiction.
To recover from addiction, to break free from the deliberately induced blindness of political and religious indoctrination: These are two of the central tasks of this age.